Charlene Shockley Mediates New Nonprofit Social Media Guild

Orchard's Nonprofit Social Media Guild will help philanthropic and nonprofit organizations build up their social media and online presence like adding squares to a quilt. LIke JFK said, the rising tide lifts all boats. So, too, shall the nonprofit community come together to share social media strategies, likes, links, and shares to promote success for the entire nonprofit and giving community. Visit

puzzleCheck out what the Shock is up to now. A member of the board of directors for the nonprofit Orchard Human Services, she has offered to help mediate a new social media guild to support philanthropic and nonprofit organizations around the metro Atlanta area and around the nation. Please check out this … like, link, and share to help launch this exciting new project.




Creating a strong online and social media presence is much like adding squares to a quilt. The more quilters working, the faster the process goes. That is the idea behind this new Nonprofit Social Media Guild. Nonprofit administrators, staff, and volunteers can come together with others in the philanthropic and giving community to share tips and strategies, likes, links, and shares. In this way, the nonprofit members can act like a unified team and achieve greater goals with minimal input.


Contact Charlene Shockley to learn more and to sign up for upcoming guild events and happenings.